Thursday, June 16, 2011

Lady Gaga Fans Launch Twitter War With Black Keys Drummer

Patrick Carney earned the wrath of Little Monsters by comparing Gaga to Madonna on Twitter.
By James Montgomery

Lady Gaga
Photo: Kevin Winter/ Getty Images

Black Keys drummer Patrick Carney is a man who seems to grasp the power and purpose of Twitter — namely, using it to mess with Bravo TV star Bethenny Frankel and profess his love for condiments. So it was probably a bit of a shock when, after writing a seemingly innocuous tweet about Lady Gaga, he bore the full brunt of her (very angry) Little Monsters.

It all started last month, when Carney sized up Gaga's "Saturday Night Live" performance by writing, simply, "Madonna is killing it!" The comment went largely unnoticed by Gaga's fans, and Carney returned to important things like tweeting with Ke$ha about shrimp. But then, he dared to compare Gaga to Madonna once again, and, to borrow a phrase from Calvin Tran, "Oh, here go hell come."

Gaga's fans picked up on the tweet, and soon began inundating Carney's Twitter account with a steady torrent of vicious hate that quickly escalated to a full-on downpour of acrimony. So, he did what any self-respecting Twitter-head would do: retweeted the best of the worst.

In fact, all day Monday (June 6), Carney's Twitter account was nothing but a stream of profanity-laced, poorly-punctuated vitriol from Little Monsters, who called him "an ugly ass bitch," compared him to "the kid in the wheelchair on 'Glee' " and even threatened him with bodily harm.

For his part, Carney helped stoke the flames by pointing out that Gaga's anti-bullying message didn't really seem to be translating to her fans.

"Hey, little monsters! Everyone knows lady gaga sounds nothing at all like Madonna. I was joking! I am so depressed," he wrote, adding that he was heading to Red Lobster.

The tweets don't seem to be losing steam too quickly. As of Tuesday morning (June 7), Carney was still RT'ing some of the zestier messages he'd received from Gaga fans, and he summed up the whole experience by complaining that @Bethenny had replied to one of his brother's tweets, but not his (link), proving that, much like life, the Twitter-verse is, in fact, cyclical.

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